“Last Thursday we flew to Wellington to give a presentation about de-creation, along with Mr Etchells and groups from eight other Catholic schools across our Archdiocese. Our presentation was about five minutes long and went really well. We listened carefully to the other presentations, and got to hear Cardinal John talk to us about the importance of addressing climate change. Later, we planted a totara tree and met Sister Ruth, a nun from The Sisters of Presentation. She showed us around Wellington’s Cable Car Museum and the ‘human sundial’ in the Wellington Botanical Gardens. She then gave us a guided tour of the Home of Compassion building which is dedicated to the life of Suzanne Aubert and is now Mother Aubert’s last resting place. As if Sister Ruth hadn’t been kind enough, she then drove us all back to the airport. It was a real eye-opener to discuss the environmental issues of today, and to see what the other schools are doing to combat pollution and climate change. We were very thankful for the opportunity to represent Garin College and to explain our point of view. We hope what we said will help make a difference in the future on this urgent global issue.”
Malika Rai and Grace Chisnall in 9G