Parishes and Community
Garin College is part of the Archdiocese of Wellington. We are the Catholic community of the lower North and upper South Islands of Aotearoa New Zealand, following Jesus Christ by celebrating and sharing faith, growing in community, and working for justice and peace.
Our Parish is Our Lady of the Bays and is bounded by Nelson, Tasman Bay and Golden Bay in the North and Kahurangi National Park and Mount Richmond Forest Park. Also within our Catholic Parish Community is:
- St Peter Chanel, Motueka
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Richmond
- Sacred Heart, Takaka
- St Joseph’s, Wakefield
- St Peter and Paul, Waimea West
The College takes its name from Father Antoine Marie Garin, Mother Suzanne Aubert, Euphrasie Barbier, St Mary MacKillop and Mother Catherine McAuley.
The Chaplain for Garin College is Fr Seph Pijfers.
Parish of the Holy Family Nelson and Stoke
Parish Priest: Father Joy Thottankara
Parish Office: 2/18 Manuka Street, Nelson 7010
Phone: 03 539 1251
Email: office@holyfamilynelson.org.nz
Our Lady of the Bays Catholic Parish
Seph Pijfers (Parish Priest): seph.pijfers@parish.org.nz
Rev Paul Finlayson (Assistant Priest): finnypaulp@yahoo.com
Parish Office
Parish Office: 35 William Street, Richmond 7020
Phone: 03 544 8987 & 03 528 8899
The Community of Learning
Garin College is part of the Waimea Community of Learning. The Waimea Community of Learning/Kāhui Ako is made up of 12 schools located on the Waimea Plains region of Tasman District. There are two secondary schools, an intermediate school, eight primary schools and a residential school for girls. The objectives for this COL are set out on the www.waimeacol.org and are to:
- Improve achievement in writing for year 1-10 for boys
- Reduce the gap between achievement of males and females in NCEA Years 11-13
- Improve the educational outcomes for Māori students Years 1-13