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Learner Capabilities Year 9 & 10, 2022

Mar 18, 2022

Year 9 & Year 10 learners have completed their first reflection on their learner capabilities during Religious Education classes this week through their year level Google Classrooms.

The focus for Terms 1 – 2 for each year level is:

Year 9 focus is:  Tino Rangatiratanga (Self Management)

Year 10 focus is: Kōrero (Communication) 

Year 9 & 10 teachers  integrate these capabilities into their learning for Terms 1 – 2 through learning activities, direct teaching of the capability, behaviour management/ pastoral care, reflection time in class.

The Year 9 Tino Rangatiratanga rubric is here:

The Year 10 Kōrero rubric is here:

The learner capabilities also drive the following areas of our Graduate Profile: Hauora (wellbeing) by our learners developing a strong sense of belonging, Takoha (contributes) by our learners acting as confident productive citizens and Ako (learning) by our learners demonstrating self motivation in learning.

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