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T2 Week 8 – 23 June 2022

Jun 23, 2022

Newsletter –  T2 Week 8 Principal Comment

Kia ora tātou, Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori

Happy Matariki, Greetings for the Māori new year.

Twinkling in the winter sky just before dawn, Matariki signals the Māori New Year. For Māori, the appearance of Matariki heralds a time of remembrance, joy and peace. It is a time for communities to come together and celebrate. With our first celebration of Matariki acknowledged with a public holiday across Aotearoa, I encourage you and your whānau to take time this weekend to put on your hats and jackets, venture outdoors, gather and look to our night sky to celebrate and enjoy the 9 visible stars of Matariki, Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Rangi, Waitī, Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi. Each star holds a certain significance over our wellbeing and environment, as explained in Matauranga Māori.

Matariki Blessing  (Tui Motu Christine Kelly 2019)

Waipunarangi – May the waters that flow through us Waiti Waita bless us; the earth in her bounty Tupuanuku invite us to share. 

Tupuarangi – May the storms that engulf us, Ururangi – serve to gentle and humble us; make us wise.

May our dead in the heavens Pohutukawa precious as light beyond darkness; remember and mind us.

Stars gathered as sign, desire held out and deep- may newness of season Hiwa-i- te rangi warm us and wake us as we pause for rebirth.


Te Wairua o nga Mahi Toi (“The spirit of the Arts”) will grip the school next week and we can look forward to what is always a celebration of the many and varied talents our students share. All the very best to our Arts Leaders Jesse Sherlock and Vianne Wessels for their leadership and encouragement. I also thank our House Captains and wish them every success as they lead their students in performance and competition. I know that through the dedicated preparation and planning of students and staff that we are set to experience outstanding performances and events throughout the week ahead. 

The Triannual Board Elections are being held in September this year. I encourage parents to consider nomination and standing for election to the Garin Board, There are 5 Parent representative positions on the Board. Should you like to discuss or learn more about school board election visit or if you wish to learn more about the Garin College Board you may contact the school office or the Board Presiding Member, Mr Chris Ward.

We continue to  work at slowing the spread of the Covid virus at school; hygiene, wearing face masks on school transport and indoor settings is essential. Your support and encouragement of your student in maintaining these health and safety measures is appreciated, thank you.

Mā te Atua koe e tiaki – May God be with you 

Ngā manaakitanga,

 John Maguire

Take a moment 

Matariki hunga, Matariki ahunga nui, 

Matariki has many admirers, Matariki brings us together.



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