Term 3 – Week 2, 2024 Principal Comment

Aug 6, 2024

Tēnā koutou katoua ngā whānau,

Our Prayer theme for this month is ‘Solidarity’ – The Catholic social teaching principle of solidarity is about recognising others as our brothers and sisters and actively working for their good. In our connected humanity, we are invited to build relationships – whakawhanaungatanga – to understand what life is like for others who are different from us; to help us understand what life is like for the poorest, most vulnerable, most overlooked, wherever they are in the world. 

‘If one member suffers, all suffer with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it.’
1 Corinthians 12:26

Can Drive for the next two weeks Our Christian Service Leaders Finn Campbell and Bridget Ogden-Bell along with our Justice and Ministry Team lead the charge this week encouraging all students, staff and Whānau to unite in Solidarity and give generously in the can drive. We have partnered with Nelson Community Food Bank for this initiative. They have sent us a list of items (attached below), and will collect the food for us. There are house points available for the house who brings in the most items. Students can bring in items to whanau class or office.

Year 10-11 Learner Course Selection Year 10 – 11 learners course selection is underway this week for 2025. On Wednesday 7 August, we are hosting Course Selection Whānau Evening, this is an opportunity for learners, parents and whānau to meet with our Deans, Careers advisors, Gateway & Trade advisors and College staff in charge of transition.

  • For current Year 11 learners and whānau, we will cover transition into NCEA Level 2, careers advice and a Gateway/ Trades workshop. Session 1 – 5:30pm – 6:15pm/ Gateway & Trades 6:30pm – 7:30pm
  • For current Year 10 learners and Whānau, we will cover how NCEA works, subject selection for 2024 and pathways into the Senior College. Session 1 – 6:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Although provided for current Year 10 & 11 learners and Whānau anyone within the Garin College community may find this evening useful. 

Good Ventilation This week we will be raising awareness and promoting good ventilation in all indoor spaces to help reduce the spread of viruses, including COVID-19, flu, and measles. During winter, adequate ventilation can be achieved by partially opening windows while still maintaining warmth. 

Attendance  – Every Day Matters

Garin College’s Target for each learner is that they achieve an attendance rate of at least 90% 

Regular attendance means a student attends a minimum of 9 days out of 10 days each fortnight.

 Thank you for encouraging and supporting your student in school attendance; your energy, effort and commitment is making a significant difference toward their engagement, learning and achievement.

Garin College Enrolments for 2025 

Enrolment applications for 2025 are due by Friday 23 August 2024  – Thank you to all parents, caregivers and students who attended our Parent Information evening and our Open Day last week. I appreciate the opportunity to meet and answer all questions relating to learning at Garin College and the new entrant enrolment processes. Should you have Whānau, friends, neighbours or colleagues considering Catholic secondary education for their children, please do encourage them to contact the school office to pick up an enrolment pack or make an appointment to meet with me.

Enrolment packs can also be downloaded from our website https://www.garincollege.ac.nz/

Scholarships 2025

Scholarships are again available for 2025. Thanks to the generosity of Nancy Black (Twinkle), we have a number of scholarships available. Due to the increasing cost of living and financial demands placed on families, we want to ensure the scholarship fund provides financial support to the families needing it to enable access to an education at Garin – this was very much Nancy Black’s heart and intention as the benefactor. We also encourage applications for those existing Garin students who are able to demonstrate outstanding potential in academic, sporting, cultural, leadership and faith-based activities. Scholarship information and applications can be found here and on our website.

You are invited to connect with others from your parish, neighbourhood and the wider archdiocese at a meeting with the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council at St Paul’s Catholic School on Friday, 16 August – see invitation below.

We will also celebrate our Mass of Assumption on Friday 16 August; you are very welcome to join with us in the gym for a 11.40am start and stop by in the library afterward for a light lunch. 

I wish you a wonderful week ahead.

Mā te Atua koe e tiaki – May God be with you

Ngā manaakitanga

John Maguire 

Take a moment

May Christ inflame the hearts of all people
to break through the barriers which divide them,
to strengthen the bonds of mutual love,
to learn to understand one another,
and to pardon those who have done them wrong.
Through Christ’s power and inspiration may all peoples welcome each other to their hearts as brothers and sisters,
And may the peace we long for ever flower and ever reign among us.

(St John XXIII)


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