Kia ora Whānau,
Welcome to Arts at Garin for 2023
We have loads of wonderful Arts events that students are able to participate in. Below are a number of activities that will be happening this year. Our staff and Arts Captains are more than happy to discuss with students and whānau, any of these opportunities.
Sharlene Belcher – Head of Faculty, Art and Photography Teacher
Liam Muir – Head of Music
Annie Millard – Head of Drama
Peter Anderson – Senior Art Teacher
Trish Arends – Junior Art Teacher/Fashion Design teacher
Sarah Pumphrey – Arts Coordinator
Lisa Harmonie and Evie Pearce
Music Lessons:
Year 9’s get 8 free lessons, and then they choose whether they would like to continue. Students in the senior music class are offered free lessons as it is part of their curriculum.
Sign up for music lessons on the Garin College homepage or email Mr Muir.
Smoke Free Rock quest
New Zealand’s nationwide, live, original music, youth event giving young musicians the opportunity to perform live in a professional setting. This event is in May in Nelson so if you are a songwriter, singer or musician that is interested talk to Mr Muir .
We are hoping to establish a Garin Choir this year – if this interests you please let Mr Muir know.
Student Performances:
For the year 9 and 10 students at the end of each 14 week learning block, we plan to hold an evening where students will be able to share what they have been learning in art, drama and music with whānau. We will communicate this via email and the school website news..
Twilight Notes:
Twilight notes is a family friendly fun music concert where all students are welcome to perform. We will be using this concert to highlight the work of the senior music students. So save the date May the 24th for this event.
Sheilah Winn Festival:
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand (SGCNZ) is an organisation which focuses on mentoring and enhancing life skills through Shakespeare. It interacts and collaborates with Shakespeare’s Globe in London. Garin College enters this festival every year with some wonderful performances. The entrants are chosen from classroom work but the community are encouraged to come and watch the performances which will be held at Nayland College on April 1st. Keep an eye on the school website news for more information.
Theatre Sports:
Garin College Theatre Sports is a student-led initiative and the team meets every Thursday lunch time in the Drama Room. All students are welcome to come along and participate. Theatre sports competitions and workshops will happen later in the year so keep an eye on the School notices and website news for more information.
Junior Student Performances:
For the year 9 and 10 students at the end of each 14 week learning block we plan to hold an evening where students will be able to share what they have been learning in art, drama and music with whānau. We will communicate this via email and the school website news..
Senior Performances:
Senior drama performances usually happen in the second half of the year and the Garin community are invited to come along. These performances are part of the curriculum and assessment work that the students work on.
Dance at Garin is an extracurricular activity that we offer to students. We participate in two main events each year.
An original stage-based mini Broadway that follows the elements of Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Culture & Technology. Students design, produce and perform stories in a powerful performance of celebration and recognition from their community. Performances are centred around an issue chosen by what’s important to students. Our student leaders for 2023 are Jorja Milligan and Ellen Theobald.
Show quest is offered to all students of all abilities; we encourage participation above all else. Most rehearsals are during the second break at school and this year are on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. When we get closer to the performance date, some Sunday rehearsals are usually needed. On May the 12th, the students will all spend the day at the Trafalgar Centre competing with the other local schools. Information is in the school notices or contact Sarah Pumphrey for more information.
VAST Dance:
Vast dance is a local initiative set up by teachers to provide a fun day of celebrating dance for the local high schools. Usually held in September, the students spend a day at the Theatre Royal and participate in Dance workshops and rehearsals for a community concert later in the evening. This opportunity is limited to 25 students per school, who will be chosen later in the year.
In collaboration with Matua Pimm we will begin practices for House Haka later in Term one. Each House will later compete for House points as part of our Mahi Toi Arts festival in Term two. All students are welcome and the more the better!
These practices are usually held during whānau time one morning a week. Students will be notified in assembly and in the school notices.
Te Wairua o ngā Mahi Toi:
Mahi Toi is the Garin College, celebration of the Arts. This event is a whole school celebration of the Arts that happens at the end of term two. We will let everyone know how 2023 will look in the coming weeks.
Sarah Pumphrey