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Wellbeing Corner

Jul 29, 2022

Kia ora Garin Whānau

I hope that your first week back at school has gone well.

Just a reminder that the Te Wahi Hauora team are here to help if there is anything you need. You can contact us over email or through any member of staff. We also have a referral form on our landing page and website that anyone can fill out.

Counselling here at Garin is a free, friendly and confidential service. You can come and see any of us about whatever you like, be it big or small, and can engage with us short term, or long term. We also have access to an Alcohol and Drug clinician, and a health nurse.

Also follow our instagram page.

Have a great weekend, you have earned it!

Ngā mihi, Kate the Counsellor and the Te Wahi Hauora Team

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