Wellbeing Corner

Mar 24, 2022

Kia ora Garin whanau,

Over the last couple of weeks the Te Wahi Hauora team have been visiting year 9 classes to introduce the team and to korero about stress. We chatted about what can cause stress, the kind that hangs around longer than the stress you feel when you slam on the brakes, or ski down a steep slope. 

We started to unpack what our emotional responses to stress can be, for example depression or anxiety, anger, irritability or restlessness. Feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated or unfocused. Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much. Racing thoughts or constant worry. Possibly problems with your memory or concentration, making bad decisions.

If these emotional responses hang around too long it can really impact on wellbeing. The message from our team is: please make contact with us. We have an experienced team with lots of tips and tricks to help overcome these challenges so that students can come out the other side stronger. 

The Garin homepage has an online referral form. Click on Pastoral Support and then click on ‘form’. Alternatively you could email katesheldon@garincollege.ac.nz.

We have a competition running at the moment – how is Aroha and Integrity a part of your life? Decide what you could do to develop Aroha and Integrity in your life. You may have examples of what you do already or things you will try.  Write down your thoughts and ideas and send them to the Te Wahi Hauora team. suekersten@garincollege.ac.nz The competition closes week 10 of this term and is drawn on week 11.

Enter our competition and go in the draw to win a canteen voucher and box of Juices to share with friends.

Kia mau ki te tūmanako, te whakapono me te aroha.

Hold fast to hope, faith and love.

Warmly, Sue, Kate, Julia and Ben

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