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Changes to University Entrance & NCEA Levels 1- 3 2022

Aug 17, 2022

This week the Associate Minister of Education announced changes to NCEA that recognise the impact student and teacher absences due to COVID-19 and other winter illnesses have had on teaching, learning and assessment this year.

In 2022, students will be entitled to 1 Learning Recognition Credit (LCR) for every 5 credits earned through assessment, up to a maximum of:

  • Level 1: Maximum of 10 LCRs
  • Level 2: Maximum of 8 LCRs
  • Level 3: Maximum of 8 LCRs

To receive a Certificate Endorsement, students will need 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level instead of the usual 50.

To be awarded University Entrance, students will need 14 credits in each of two UE Approved Subjects, and 12 credits in a third UE Approved Subject (they will also need to attain NCEA Level 3 and meet the regular literacy and numeracy requirements).

The submission dates for some externally assessed portfolios have also been moved back one week – this provides some relief but avoids overlap with end of year examinations. This will apply to the following subjects:

  • Technology (NCEA Levels 1-3 and NZ Scholarship)
  • Design and Visual Communication (NCEA Levels 1-3 and NZ Scholarship)
  • Education for Sustainability (NCEA Level 3)
  • Dance (NZ Scholarship)
  • Music (NZ Scholarship)
  • Health and Physical Education (NZ Scholarship)

The dates for Visual Arts and the Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko Common Assessment Task (DCAT) are not changing.

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