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Hauora – Wellbeing

Nov 15, 2022

I thought this week I would share the beautiful words of Pope Francis, as they really resonated with me, and the work that Te Wahi Hauora do at Garin College.

Self-reflection is a key part of both being a counsellor, and counselling. It can be difficult to reflect on big emotions, but it is important that we learn to do so. It can help us understand ourselves, and our triggers, in ways that can be transformative in all areas of life.

I try to practice this every day, and I challenge you to do the same.

“Discernment is the narrative reading of the good moments and the dark moments, the consolations and desolations we experience in the course of our lives. In discernment, it is the heart that speaks to us about God, and we must learn to understand its language. Let us ask, at the end of the day, for example: What happened today in my heart? Some think that carrying out this examination of conscience is to calculate the balance of sins – and we commit many – but it is also about asking oneself, “What happened within me, did I experience joy? What brought me joy? Was I sad? What brought me sadness? And in this way, we learn to discern what happens within us.” 

Pope Francis

When we feel big emotions, it can be a sign to take a step back, and reflect. What is driving these? What meaning am I taking from this? What does this say about me? Breathing can be a great tool to hit pause for a moment, and self-regulate. It helps get us out of our stress response, and bring the cortex back online. Here is a grounding karakia which I really appreciate.

Have a lovely weekend, and please remember to email or call anytime if you need anything from any of our team.

Ngā mihi, Kate the Counsellor


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