On the 5th of April, we had our first ever Garin College House Sports Day. It was a whole school event
promoting participation in sport and house spirit. The day began with students in their houses, Aubert,
Barbier, Mackillop and McAuley marching to the gym chanting at the top of their lungs. House spirit was
remarkably high as our outstanding house captains lead their house. House captain lead their houses out
toward the rugby field to have a chant off. The sheer power of each house could be heard from all over.
However, two houses had exceptional spirit with McAuley and Barbier taking out the house spirit in first
equal. Well done to Darrlynn and James and Hamish and Caitlin for leading your houses with enthusiasm.
Throughout the day we had Dodgeball, G-ball and Sprints running on the fields and in the gym. We also
had a custom made Water Obstacle course which challenged all students, including the Year 13’s. With
great vibes and funky costumes, it was great to see the younger year groups, especially, getting really
into the day with the support of year 13s who helped out with all the year groups. The entire day was filled with fun, spirit, competition and participation as houses battle it out against each other.
Although we had a long delay, we couldn’t be more proud of how the day turned out for everyone. Special thanks to the staff, house captains and our sports committee. But most importantly thank you to the student for helping us
make our first ever House Sports Day a reality. Also a huge thank you to Aria H and Caitlin R who filled in for our female Aubert and Barbier captains as well as Jonty P for organising the sound system and our tech guys.
Zac Lackner and Tele Likiliki