NZQA Special Assessment Conditions (SAC)
Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) provide extra help for approved students when they are being assessed for their NCEA so that barriers to achievement can be removed and they then have a fair opportunity to achieve credits. The support is used for internal standards and external (exams) standards.
Examples of SAC are use of a writer or computer, rest breaks, Braille or enlarged papers, or reader, extra time, rest breaks.
If your child has sensory, physical, medical and/or learning difficulties/disabilities eg. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia that might be able to be supported or reduced considerably with appropriate assistance, they may be eligible for SAC assessment. For a student to be eligible for SAC they must have the ability to work at expected levels – the use of SAC is to support barriers to learning. If you would like to nominate your child (on enrolment or since) and you have not already discussed this with whanau teacher, dean or SENCO, please email our Student Services Co-ordinator (SENCO) Lou Maguire, before 1/9/2023 Your child may have already been nominated by a teacher and the process is underway.
A student with possible need will be tested and the various types of assistance can be trialled in Term 4, 2023 in preparation for Level 1 in 2024. Contact may be made with you if more information is required about your child’s individual needs, and we will trial various supports that may help your child’s achievement. This helps to determine if an application can be made to NZQA for assessments, and for which Supports. If you have any cognitive assessments or medical letters of diagnosis, these could be forwarded to the email above in support of your child’s application. If your child is a diabetic and will need rest breaks for testing or eating during an exam, SAC application is required or any other medical condition that requires treatment/management within a three hour examination.
If you have already submitted cognitive assessments to Lou, your student will be on the register for SAC application. If unsure whether you have submitted any cognitive assessments, please email Lou Maguire. (email see above)
Whilst Garin College completes the application, all decisions for Special Assessment Conditions are at the discretion of Educational Psychologists at NZQA.
For students without cognitive assessments or assessments older that 3 years, there is a charge for the testing licences used to assess each student of $30-$60 depending on the assessments needed for your child’s application to NZQA. This will be included in your school account as SAC assessment. If financial support is required, please contact Cassie Fitzsimmons, Business Manager.
Lou Maguire
Student Support & SENCO