The spirit in which learners have entered Mahi Toi, has been lead with enthusiasm, focus and talent
by our Arts Leaders, Millie Pumphrey, Josh Hall and Alice Knoef. Having shaped the celebration
around the theme of “Once Upon a Time” our Arts Leaders have teamed up their leadership with
Mrs Sarah Pumphrey, our Arts Coordinator, Head of Arts Faculty Sharlene Belcher, our Arts teachers,
Liam Muir, Annie Millard and Lindsey Furlong-Taylor. All teachers have supported in the workshop
leadership and organisation of various parts of the whole event. Tuakana Teina is so evident as we
watch our juniors looking up to our seniors and participating alongside them in their house
competitions. Our house leaders shining, in the way they have lead their houses in house dance and
song. Congratulations to you all on what you have achieved.