‘Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me.’
Kings 4:8-11, 14-16, Psalm 89, Romans 6:3-4, 8-9, Matthew 10:40-42
The message in this week’s readings is one of hospitality. Generosity and hospitality were shown by women of all ages who supported Jesus and his ministry, including Mary his mother. All of Jesus’ followers and disciples acted as his representatives. They had to have a very clear understanding of what God wanted and have the courage to pass his messages on to the people. The cost of this discipleship was often high but the rewards were great – and those rewards have shifted from the disciples themselves to those, including us, who support and facilitate Jesus’ mission.
As disciples we, too, can carry out the work and mission of Jesus in many small ways. At Garin College there is a strong curriculum focus on the early missionaries who came to Aotearoa New Zealand to live, preach and work among Māori and later to also work among early European settlers. The legacy of Bishop Pompallier, Father Garin, Suzanne Aubert and many others has helped build the foundation of Catholic values and teachings that we profess today. Not only were these people of God warm, caring and hospitable – but their commitment required huge personal sacrifice and energy. As we reflect on this week’s gospel and readings we have full assurance that Aotearoa’s early Catholic missionaries indeed “welcomed others and were kind to them, just as if they were welcoming Jesus himself”.
Markelle Ward
Director of Religious Studies (DRS)