Hauora – Wellbing
Another week over! Term 2 is already flying by, and is looking to be a busy term here at school.
The Te Wahi Hauora team and the Hauora Committee with the student leaders are SUPER excited to announce the new and revised Garin Pink Shirt Day! We will be celebrating this on Thursday 19 May (because the 20th is a Teacher Only day). We ask that students dress up in pink and bring a gold coin (or more if you want to make a donation). YES that’s right a full mufti day! All proceeds will go to the Mental Health Foundation. If you do not wear pink, we ask that you please wear your uniform.
We will be doing some cool activities around the school, and there will be prizes for best dressed for both students and staff.
Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying campaign, and a day to celebrate your uniqueness! Our school values of Generosity, Aroha, Rangimarie, Integrity, and New Life absolutely embrace and celebrate diversity, and kindness to one another, and what better way than Pink Shirt Day to show everyone what Garin is about.
Follow our Instagram page hauoraatgarin to find out more, or talk to the Hauora leaders, Harriet and Peony.
Have an awesome week, and remember the Hauora team are always here to help.
Ngā mihi
Kate the Counsellor and the Te Wahi Hauora Team.