This week we celebrated our annual Sports Awards Evening. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2 we were unable to have our parents and outside coaches and managers present. Despite this significant change to the awards evening, I have been absolutely impressed by the resilience and positive energy our students have demonstrated throughout the sporting season and making this a most wonderful celebration. We enjoyed the presence of those who were able to watch the online live stream of the awards and the company of student’s, staff coaches and managers who were present to celebrate student success in sport. An outstanding feature of the evening was the naming of students who have been selected in representative sport at a local, regional and national level, this is a true reflection of each student’s dedication and commitment to their sport. I thank all our coaches, managers, parents, teachers and staff who have supported our students throughout the year and particularly our Sport Coordinator Mrs Martine McCabe for her leadership in actively promoting and providing sport opportunities for our students. Sophia Kersten and Bede Dodd-Edgar have been absolutely dedicated and resilient sport leaders throughout the year. I commended them for their outstanding organisation and presentation of our awards evening.