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Subscribe to Garin’s Careers Website

Feb 10, 2023

Tēnā koutou – my name is Brenda Helliwell, Garin College’s Careers Advisor.

For those new to the school, and for whanau who have yet to SUBSCRIBE to our Careers website – please do so at this link:

A reminder that this is where I share information about career related opportunities and experiences for our students across all year levels including:

* part time employment opportunities shared exclusively with Garin College

* tertiary provider visits to school including universities, NMIT, NZDF, NZ Police, private training providers and more

* short vocational courses available for seniors to enrol in, free of charge that often have NCEA credits attached

* cool camps and career experience opportunities you can attend throughout NZ

…and much much more!

Subscribing to the website just means you get one email from the website (NZ Careers Mail) per week which shows you all the new things added over a week.

Be sure to get in touch with me if you or your teen have an interest in something advertised on the site:

Brenda Helliwell

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