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T1 Week 1 – 2 February 2023

Feb 3, 2023

2023 Newsletter –  T1 Week 1 Principal Comment

Tēnā koutou katoa ngā whānau,  

With great excitement, students arrived and settled into their whānau and subject classes for the new school year. It is a joy to recognise the focus and energy our students have on re – establishing friendships and making new friendships after the long summer break. Our Powhiri and Liturgy were the highlight of Wednesday’s opening day celebrations as we welcomed our new learners and staff along with all returning students to the college. Thank you to all parents, caregivers, whānau and members of our community who came along to celebrate and support our learners and College.

This week we welcome our new teachers to the College, Michael Parr – HOF Physical Education Shaz Murray – Teacher Religious Education, Michelle Hay – Teacher Spanish, Bethany Ashton – Teacher ORS and Numeracy, Adrian Cox – Teacher Social Sciences, Kevin Jacobs – Teacher Technology Materials , Sally Andrew – Teacher Maths, Kate Boyd – Teacher Aide, Andrea Babington – Teacher Aide. We look forward to the knowledge, experience and expertise each will bring to the classroom and college. 

Congratulations to our 2022 NCEA level 1,2&3 students on their success and achievement in NCEA. We are extremely pleased and excited by the NZQA provisional NCEA results for 2022. Overall Garin NCEA results are outstanding and remain comparatively well above the National Standard for Decile 8 – 10 Schools. I look forward to sharing the confirmed results when these become available.

This week I have visited many of our classrooms and enjoyed interactions with teachers and students. While each class is unique, there certainly is a common theme of manaakitanga evident in all classes. Positive, caring and happy relationships are building between students and between teachers and students. It is wonderful to have learning underway within each year level.

I draw your attention to our key message regards – Student School Drop off / Pick up, Cycling and Walking Protocols – please read information below.

Due to the summer temperatures and the need to keep cool, students are asked to wear their correct summer uniform throughout term 1. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all, we advise students to wear their sunhats, stay within the shade, and wear sunblock. Students are reminded to keep hydrated, we have free cooled and filtered water stations where students can refill their drink bottles. 

To our students and staff I share this whakatauki as a challenge and encouragement for the year ahead;

 Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei

Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain

This whakatauki speaks of aiming high or for what is truly valuable, be persistent and don’t allow obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.

God Bless

Ngā mihi nui

John Maguire



Student School Drop off / Pick up, Cycling and Walking Protocols

Dear Parent, Caregiver and Whānau,

We wish to ensure the safety of all students and pedestrians within our college car park and ‘Drop off & Pick up zones’. The vehicle entrance way to Garin College for student drop off and pick up has been designed to ensure student safety.

We have a special bay for buses to pick up and drop off students that has clearly defined and marked speed bumps throughout our car park areas. Within the bus bay there is a special zone marked ‘Drop off Zone’; this has been created especially for parents and caregivers to pick up and drop off their children. The speed limit in the drop off zone and school car park is 5 km p/h.

To access the ‘Drop off Zone’, you must enter the college main entrance, immediately turn left into the bus bay area, keep left and stop in the marked ‘Drop off Zone’. Using the ‘Drop off Zone’ will alleviate the need for your vehicle to enter the college main car park area. Entry to the ‘Drop off Zone’ must only be gained by turning into the bus bay from the college main entrance. Exit from the ‘Drop off Zone’ must only be accessed at the western side of the bus bay. Note, the traffic flow for cars in the bus bay area will be anti-clockwise.

If you need to drop off/pick up your child from school, please use the designated  ‘Drop off Zone’.

Our ‘Disabled Drop off Zone’ is located immediately outside the college office and may continue to be accessed as required by entering the college main car park area.

Walking and Cycling 

When crossing Champion Road, students must use the designated pedestrian crossing outside the college. 

Cycling to and from school; students must wear a cycle helmet, ensure visibility and follow NZ Road Code practice. Please be aware of the upgraded cycleways on Salisbury Road.

Bicycle Park, Students are to park their bike in the bicycle cage onsite and ensure their bikes are locked securely.  

Take Minute

Come they told me, Pa rum pum pum pum,

A new born king to see, Pa rum pum pum pum”



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