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T1 Week 3 – 17 Feb 2023 Principal Comment

Feb 17, 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa ngā whānau, 

Next week we will gather as Garin community to celebrate our Ash Wednesday Liturgy here at school. Central within our liturgy will be the opening of our hearts and our minds toward our connection with God and of drawing closer to God throughout the 6 week Lenten season. Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for the resurrection of the Lord at Easter. 

Our Lenten theme for 2023 is “I am the light of the world” 

As we reflect on the devastating impact of cyclone Gabrielle on whānau and communities, and the impact of natural disasters across the globe, may our lenten prayer and service bring comfort and be a light of hope to all who suffer. 

I share with you this reflection from Pope Francis’s Message for Lent in 2022. 

Each year during Lent we are reminded that “goodness, together with love, justice and solidarity, are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realised each day… In this season of conversion, sustained by God’s grace and by the communion of the Church, let us not grow tired of doing good. The soil is prepared by fasting, watered by prayer and enriched by charity. 


Te Wharemaru O Garin 

Garin College’s place of Shelter and Protection Protecting our story our curriculum

If you have been on site at Garin this week you will have noticed the early stages of construction of our new, exciting and incredibly significant property development at Garin College, Te Wharemau O Garin. The four centre wooden poles are now standing upright awaiting the centre beam. It is pleasing to see the whare taking shape along with the designs and features that will bring our Garin story to life in our shelter. This will be our multi purpose gathering space – learners to gather, meet, play, learn as outdoor classes, pray, celebrate liturgy, shelter on fine days and wet days, powhiri, house meetings, cultural and arts performances, celebrations, year level assembly, a gathering place before departure and on return from Journey and outdoor ventures, to capture and inspire learning in our local curriculum. With construction slightly delayed due to material supply, we look on target for completion during April this year.

To our year 9 Learners, I wish you well as you prepare for your “Basecamp” Journey Program  next week, this is an exciting time for you as you begin your learning journey at Garin. Take time to slow down, enjoy the outdoors, smile, have fun and be open to new experiences and welcoming new friendships. This is your time – enjoy.

Next week, I look forward to sharing with you the Garin NCEA L1,2,3 & Scholarship achievement results and of course, celebrating our learner success for 2022. We are extremely pleased with the overall achievement levels gained.

The Garin College first Board Meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday, 21 February in the Garin College Library

I wish you all a peaceful and restful weekend with whānau and friends.

God Bless

Ngā mihi nui

John Maguire

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