I would like to congratulate our students Yr 9-13 for the calm way in which they are embracing the school year and establishing themselves in their new classes with new teachers and workspaces. I enjoy the opportunity to visit classes and interact with the students and hear comments around the new friends that have been made, of students they’ve met they didn’t know last year, of a new teacher whose class they are loving or a new subject they have been waiting to get into. A great ‘can do’ approach and sense of community is alive and well.
It gives me great pleasure and with pride I announce the outstanding achievement as seven NZQA Scholarships were awarded to Year 12 and 13 students from 2021. Just over 6000 students attempted scholarship in 2021 with approximately 2000 Scholarships being awarded nationally – a huge achievement. Congratulations to:
English Scholarship Recipients – Kiera Handley (13) , Luca Schultz (13), Caroline Hammersley (13)
Drama Recipients – Vianne Wessels (12), Jesse Sherlock (12), and Nathan King (12)
Photography Recipient – Sapphire Kyles (13)
An enormous effort has been made by these students throughout 2021 and I know they would join me in thanking Ms Abbie Wright, Ms Annie Millard and Ms Sharlene Belcher for their commitment and passion to their subjects, shared in their teaching of these students throughout the year.
As we continue to move through uncertain times we want to keep our students focused on their learning and maintaining healthy practice alongside opportunity. Everyone’s co-operation in this is allowing the calm in how we move forward. Servant leadership at Garin is greatly celebrated, our individual actions and vigilance in the current climate shows individual leadership and care for our fellow students and teachers. Our sense of community and support for each other is a strength and support to each of us on a daily basis.
I ask families to continue to use our attendance / absence system and to notify us of your child’s absence by phone or email. If your child has a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19 (Omicron or Delta) or confirmed close contact required to isolate, please inform us immediately, including secondary contacts so we can then activate our contact tracing requirements in informing others of any change in circumstance required for individuals or the school. I ask families to regularly check your emails from the school and be aware of any notifications through our website and facebook page. Again I ask that students showing symptoms, follow the Ministry of Health COVID guidelines if unwell, get Covid tested, and await results before returning to school, notifying the school of this process.
Amongst the challenges, we enjoy participation in a range of events this week. An exciting Young Catholic Leaders day for our Senior Leaders and House Captains was held at the St Peter Chanel Parish Centre Motueka. We were privileged to have Chris Duthie-Jung and Louise Lloyd from the Archdiocese Wellington Youth Ministry Team lead this day. Our leaders are clearly demonstrating to me they are motivated and engaged in all the opportunities ahead of them this year and want to excel in setting aspirations for all students and themselves throughout the year.
Today, two students from each whānau will represent their whānau class at our Garin College Opening Liturgy for 2022. The theme for our College year – ‘Let Your Tree Grow’, provides a focus for prayerful reflection and growth in our faith life of Garin learners. The liturgy led by Fr Seph and our student leaders will be recorded and shared with whānau classes to celebrate in the liturgy on Monday morning.
We wish our Trades Academy students all the best on their first Friday at NMIT for the year while our Gateway class will benefit from their First Aid Course today too.
A reminder to students and families that next Tuesday 22nd Feb at 12.50pm, all students will be released for the day as staff attend a Paid PPTA Union Meeting during the afternoon. Information on bus details for the day and information if your student needs to remain at school is displayed on the Upcoming Events button on this homepage, titled PPTA Union meeting.
Mā te Atua koe e tiaki – May God be with you
Ngā manaakitanga,
John Maguire
Take a moment: He moana Pukepuke e ekengia e te waka – A choppy sea can be navigated by waka