Kia ora tatou ngā whānau
Last week we gathered to celebrate Club Garin Colours where students are recognised for excellence in the areas of arts, sport and service. It is wonderful to take time to reflect and recognise the diverse range of skill and talent our students share and the commitment they have made throughout the year to excel in these areas. We are extremely grateful to the numerous coaches, managers, teachers, staff and whānau who have worked tirelessly to support them in their achievements. I particularly wish to acknowledge and thank the Club Garin Committee: Bridget Scaife, Cassie Fitzsimmons, Sharon Pugh, Craig Treder, Donna Pudney, Jamie Morris, Rob O’Grady and Justine Butler for their outstanding work behind the scenes that enhances student access and opportunities in sport and art through fundraising and the distribution of financial support. It was our privilege to have Father Hayden Powick return to the awards as our guest speaker. Hayden reflected on his schooling journey through Garin, pathway following graduation and his commitment to faith and service in priesthood. As a Garin graduate having entered religious vocation as a recently ordained Catholic Priest, we thank Fr Hayden for his example and sharing of his time with our Garin Community at our Colours Awards.
This coming Friday, 4 November, we will farewell Assistant Principal Mr Jeremy Cumming. Jeremy has been appointed to the position of Whānau Leader at Rolleston College in Canterbury. On behalf of our Garin College Board, Staff, Learners and Community, I thank Jeremy for his tireless leadership and service to Garin College since 2018. Jeremy’s leadership of our Catholic Special Character has provided an authentic experience of faith within our community. Jeremy’s commitment to raising achievement, and overall educational success for all learners in his care has been inspirational and deeply valued by our learners and their whānau. We wish Jeremy every success for his ongoing journey in leading learning for rangatahi in Aotearoa.
On behalf of the Garin College Board, Staff, Learners, and Community, we will farewell teacher Mrs Jacquie Arnold who will finish at the end of week 4. Jacquie has been appointed to an education lead position within the Ministry of Education. I thank Jacquie for her leadership of ORS, Literacy and Numeracy over two years since beginning at Garin in 2021. Jacquie has demonstrated extensive knowledge and experience in raising student achievement through her teaching and leadership. We wish Jacquie every success for her ongoing journey of leading learning within education.
Last Friday evening, I had the privilege of attending the St Paul’s primary school celebration of dance performance, kapa haka and the choir performance of the St Paul’s school song written by John Phillips. For many of the Y8 learners present, Garin will be their College next year and into the future; I recognise the many siblings of Garin students present and the faces of the many year 8 students we look forward to welcoming to our new entrant Orientation Day 11 November and into year 9 2023. Thank you Maureen Philips and all the St Paul’s staff for your mahi, I came away from the evening excited and deeply grateful for the wonderful faith and community connectedness we share as Catholic schools.
It is exciting to hear of our graduating learners’ career plans, tertiary plans and course acceptances along with a significant number of scholarships they have gained for the year ahead. It is pleasing to recognise our students are well focused on learning, completing portfolios and revision for the NCEA Exams that are now only a fortnight away.
This coming Wednesday we will gather to celebrate our end of year Mass of Thanksgiving. This is a significant time for the students and whānau as they embark on their future pathways. We pray that all aspects of college life have enhanced them as people and will continue to guide and influence their futures. I would also like to acknowledge our Year 12 learners who are graduating to pursue a range of pathway options in apprenticeships, internships, study and employment. Each pathway is individual, creating in us opportunities to serve and contribute to the common good within the community. On behalf of the college we wish all year 11 – 13 learners every success in their NCEA exams and look forward to their return to our Garin College Prizegiving at 7.00pm, Friday 2 December 2022. We look forward to parents, caregivers and our community sharing this celebration with us.
Ngā mihi manaakitanga
John Maguire
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