Kia ora tatou ngā whānau
Term 4 has arrived and is bringing the beautiful signs of spring with our cherry blossoms looking amazing in the school courtyard. I hope that students and families had some time to relax over the break and enjoy some of the blessings that family brings to us all. Our learners and staff have returned with renewed energy and enthusiasm and we look forward to the term ahead.
Prayer for Peace – E te Ariki, we lift before you all the people of the Holy Land and ask for a restoration of a lasting and just peace in the land. We pray for the safety of aid workers and their families and for all people they come into contact with. Give grace to political leaders and authorities that they may seek lasting solutions that promote justice, peace and reconciliation. We pray for all within our community who have family, friends and loved ones whose lives are in turmoil due to war and tension in the region, may they find peace and love within our Garin community. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all during these challenging times. Amene – Prayer prepared by Caritas Aotearoa.
As always our final term is full of events, exams, opportunities and conclusions. We look forward to our last term with our wonderful Year 13 leavers and set sights on their next steps in their journey beyond Garin College which for many will bring a move outside of Nelson. I hope as students look forward they also take the time to look back and reflect on the challenges, successes, mistakes and of those at home and school who have contributed to their achievements. Take the time to reflect on the learnings from all opportunities as they navigate toward their next endeavours.
I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the effort so many of our Yr 12 students have gone to in submitting their leadership applications for 2023 roles in the College. These roles include Arts, Christian Service, Ngā Amorangi, Pasifika, Academic and Sports Leaders. Our school culture and leadership is enhanced every year by the outstanding input of these students – I wish them all well in their application and interviews for these positions and look forward to hearing of their ideas and enthusiasm in leading their peers in 2024.
We wish our year 9 & 10 well for ‘Market Day’ this week. ‘Market Day’ is always an exciting event that focuses on developing enterprise and financial capability within learners. The market day learning unit provides a real context, giving learners choice and responsibility in their learning.
Our Garin ‘End of Year Mass’ will be celebrated during week 4 of term – Wednesday 1 November, 11.40 am. We invite and look forward to Whānau, friends and community gathering to give thanks to God for the wairua and manaakitanga we share and value within our Garin College community. Within this celebration, we look forward to our candle ceremony for those who will graduate from the College. Following the end of year Mass our senior students are released for study leave in preparation for NCEA exams that begin on Monday 6 November.
Your invitation is attached or see below to attend and celebrate the Blessing and Opening of Te Wharemaru o Garin – Our place of Shelter and Protection Protecting our story, our curriculum on Monday 30 October 2023 – we look forward to the Gathering of our Garin Community for this special celebration.
Ngā manaakitanga
Ngā mihi nui
John Maguire
“Te waahi tapu o te ako i te Papa Garin – The sacred learning grounds of Father Garin.
Archdeacon Harvey Ruru – 2023
We are delighted to welcome all
Learner’s and Whānau
Parish and Community
Teacher’s and Support Staff
to the opening of Te Wharemaru o Garin
Monday 30 October 2023 – Garin College
6am – Kawanga Whare – Karakia and Blessing
8.40am – – Official Opening
“Te Wharemaru O Garin is our new, exciting and incredibly significant property development at Garin College for all ākonga, whānau and community. The many design elements embedded within “Te Wharemaru O Garin embrace Garin’s local curriculum of faith and culture informing life, learning and wairua within Garin College. Te Wharemaru is placed central at the entrance, welcoming all into the community and wairua of Garin.
Te Wharemaru is at the location of the Garin College opening powhiri on the first school day in 2002 and covers the traditional social gathering place of learners as they greet each other to start their day and farewell each other at the end of the day. Te Wharemaru will provide shelter and protection against the elements.