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Uniform Shop – Operational Review

May 13, 2022

Feedback via this survey

We have recently engaged in reviewing the on-site provision and sale of the College Uniform from our on-site uniform shop. The Garin College uniform shop has operated effectively on-site since 2002 when the College opened. As the student roll has grown steadily over the years, there is an ever increasing demand for school uniform supply and sales.

In our review we have explored the impact of the uniform shop on the following:
1. our physical resources
2. access for students and whānau for fitting and purchase of uniform particularly at peak purchasing times
3. uniform quality
4. sustainability in supply and pricing

While there remains a range of options available for the sale of the Garin College uniform, we are presently exploring the option of engaging a uniform retailer to sell the Garin College Uniform from a School Uniform Retail Shop in the Nelson/Richmond region.

Should you wish to discuss the Sale and Purchase of school uniforms, please contact our Business Manager, Cassie Fitzsimmons on

We invite you to provide feedback via this survey – it is very short; we’d appreciate you completing it by Tuesday 17 May – thank you.

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