Model United Nations

Aug 25, 2019

Last Monday Garin sent their future diplomats on a mission to save our planet. Approximately ten of our young minds traveled to Nayland for the annual Nelson Model United Nations. An event where the real committees and focus documents of the UN are simulated into a day for kiwi youth to learn more about international relations and
civics. Each attendee represented a country that they had been allocated; they had to research about the nation and follow their views and beliefs in all decisions made. The resolutions for the day were focused on future planning our planet for what issues we
would face in areas such as productivity and the environment. Garin held some big names in terms of the nations they were allocated including Australia, United Arab Emirates and the notorious Russian Federation, all of whom worked to controversially soften the efforts to fight climate change and shut down an increase in automated work forces that was being pushed by the more liberal nations at the event. All in all the Garin team thoroughly enjoyed the day of debating, scheming and negotiating. We would encourage anyone interested in future Model United Nations events or similar to put their name forward when the opportunity comes around and give
it a go!”

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