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Live Reporting at Garin College

Jul 8, 2022

At Garin College we are committed to communicating regularly about learners’ progress. This email is to share with you the ways we aim to keep you updated with your child’s learning and achievements this year.

Student data can be accessed through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Here you can view daily attendance, academic results along with feedback comments, student timetables and school notices. We recommend that Whānau check the KAMAR Parent Portal weekly. Logon details have been emailed to you. Please contact the school if you have lost these. 

Garin learners can access the same information by using their student portal login. The table below outlines the formal communication mechanisms and the dates you can expect them. 

You will note that we are no longer printing and sending an annual report containing comments for all subjects. We are moving to real time reporting and this year you can expect to see an achievement grade along with a feedback comment once per term for all of the subjects your child takes. 

The aim is that you receive information that is relevant, timely and helpful. A note on the achievement grades. Subject teachers may contact you by email to explain the assessment and measure of achievement used or this may be done in the feedback comment. In the senior school achievement grades will be based on the NCEA system of ‘achieved’, ‘merit’ or ‘excellence’. Grades may be summative – after a formal internal assessment has been completed, or formative – when a student is working towards a final assessment.  

Term One
Communication When What
Te Aho Reports Every fortnight Report on attitude to learning
Subject Interviews Years 9 – 10 6th – 7th April 2022 Booked 5 minute appointments


Appointments are made through the KAMAR Parent Portal

Live Reporting During Term One Junior Learners – one result and one comment


Senior Learners – as marks come in from learning

Term Two
Communication When What
Live Reporting Throughout Term 2 Junior Learners – one result and one comment

Senior Learners – two results and one comment

Subject Interviews Years 11 – 13 18th – 19th May 2022 Booked 5 minute appointments

Appointments are made through the KAMAR Parent Portal

Te Aho Reports Every fortnight Report on attitude to learning
Term Three
Communication When What
Live Reporting Throughout Term 3 Junior Learners – one result and one comment

Senior Learners – two results and two comments

Senior Subject Selection Evening 16th August 2022 Information afternoon on Senior Learning programmes
Derived Grade Exams Week 8 Term 3 2022 Results of Derived Grade Exams on KAMAR Portal
Te Aho Reports Every fortnight Report on attitude to learning
Term Four
Communication When What
Live Reporting Throughout Term 4 Junior Learners – two results and one comment

Senior Learners – as marks come in (Derived Grade & Final Internal Assessments)

NCEA Credit Updates Week 1 Term 4 Credit total updates
Te Aho Reports Every fortnight Report on attitude to learning

In addition to the formal communications above you may hear from your child’s teachers at other times of the year. They may keep you informed of assessment deadlines or be in touch to celebrate good work or if they have concerns about progress. 

At Garin College we are keen to celebrate success and your child may receive a Spirit of Garin if they demonstrate our GARIN Values (Generosity, Aroha, Rangimarie, Integrity & New Life). These tickets are entered into a draw at assembly and our prizes are for our College canteen. 

Parents can also contact staff at school with any questions or concerns about their child’s progress. Subject teachers, deans or members of the senior leadership team can be contacted by email via

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