Third Sunday of Lent – ‘The water that I shall give will become a spring of eternal life’.
GOSPEL: John 4
There are many significant statements made by Jesus during the encounter with the woman at the well. Jesus has asked a Samaritan woman for some water. The Jews and the Samaritans had a long-standing hatred so the woman was understandably surprised to be spoken to by Jesus, much less asked for water. When Jesus uses words like ‘The water I give is like a flowing fountain that gives eternal life’ the woman can see that Jesus is a prophet.
“Sir, I can see that you are a prophet. My ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews say Jerusalem is the only place to worship.” Jesus said to her: “Believe me, the time is coming when you won’t worship God either on this mountain or in Jerusalem. This is interesting because it removes the idea that our faith is attached to any one physical place.
He goes on to say that true worshippers are being led ‘by the Spirit’ to worship the Father according to the truth, and God is Spirit. Jesus then states that he is the Messiah. Many Samaritans in that town put their faith in Jesus because of what they heard him say. They were certain that he is the Saviour of the world – and so are we!
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2023 – Our Lady of the Bays Parish
SAVE THE DATE: When: Sunday 18th June What: Celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion Where: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Richmond |
If you are interested in preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion please watch this space for more details as sessions will begin in early May. Contact: