This Sunday is ‘The Ascension of the Lord’
Go to the people of all nations
Acts 1:8-11, Psalm 47, Ephesians 1:17-21, Matthew 28:16-20
When it came time for Jesus to leave, to go to heaven to be with his Father, he reassured the disciples that he would be with them always. Not only that but he gave them authority to ‘Go to the people of all nations and make them disciples’ too.
Jesus commissions the disciples to continue his work in the world. Now baptism is extended to all in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit. Jesus’ final words to them bring comfort for all who are serious believers in times of doubt or difficulty.
Jesus has conquered death and now passes the baton on to us to continue the mission of the church to carry on his work. Just as the disciples have been sent by Jesus, so too we are sent at the end of each Mass with the words, “Go . . . . .” Most of us don’t have a mission to go to the ends of the earth, but our mission field is the place where we are, those whom we come in contact with in our day to day life. Be aware this week of the practical ways that you can witness to Christ in your life – by your hospitality, your treatment of others, your response to their needs, the way you share your faith, your joy.
Markelle Ward – DRS – Garin College
Adapted from www.liturgycentre Auckland