Term 1 – Week 6, 2024 Principal Comment

Mar 11, 2024

Tēnā koutou katoua ngā whānau,

We are pleased to present the 2023 NCEA Achievement data for Level 1, 2, 3, University Entrance (UE) and Level 1 Numeracy and Literacy.  Garin learners have attained very positive levels of achievement in NCEA in 2023, as demonstrated in the tables below. 

  • Garin student Achievement in NCEA across levels 1,2,3 exceeds Equity Index Group and National Data
  • Female NCEA Achievement Level 1,2,3 & UE exceeds Equity Index Group and National Data
  • Male NCEA Achievement Level 1,2,3 exceeds National Data
  • Level 2 NCEA Excellence Endorsement exceeds Equity Index Group and National Data
  • Literacy and Numeracy Level 1 Exceeds Equity Index Group and National Data.

We congratulate and thank each and every learner for their commitment and diligence to their learning and NCEA assessment throughout the 2023 college year. 

We look forward to celebrating our Annual Colours Awards Assembly on Monday morning next week. Our Colours awards celebrate the success of our students from 2023 in Level 1,2,3 NCEA who gained Maroon Colours and Gold Endorsed colours for their outstanding academic achievement. Congratulations to all students who have achieved Academic Colours this year, you have set yourselves goals and worked so hard to fulfil them, well done.

We wish out Year 10 learners every success and an enjoyable week as they head out on their “Te Haerenga Waka” Journey at Marahau. Thank you to our Garin staff and the Whenua iti Outdoors tutors for their leadership and care of our students throughout their Journey.

Attendance – Every Day Matters

Our Garin College 2024 Attendance Target is 90%

Your support as parents, caregivers and whānau in encouraging and motivating our learners in their attendance and engagement in schooling is greatly appreciated.

All students are legally required to attend school every day and it is our shared responsibility to make sure our learners attend and engage in learning every day.  

Please contact our college office to let us know if your child is going to be absent for a day or intends to be absent for a portion of the school term for whatever reason, like a tangi or medical procedure.  Family holidays or taking time off for extracurricular activities (not organised by school) are not acceptable reasons for being absent.

If you’re struggling at home with getting your child to school, please do talk to us! Garin staff are committed to supporting your children in their attendance and building on our culture that fosters excellence in attendance and achievement.

Parents and caregivers can find more information here: Attendance is a Shared Responsibility

Mā te Atua koe e tiaki – May God be with you 

Ngā manaakitanga,

John Maguire

Take a moment 

 “Let us pray for one another so that, by sharing in the victory of Christ, we may open our doors to the weak and poor. Then we will be able to experience and share to the full the joy of Easter.” Pope Francis


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