Tēnā koutou katoa ngā whānau,
We look forward to welcoming all learners back to school next week, Monday 29 April as we begin Term 2. With ANZAC Day falling during the school holidays 25 April, a remembrance ceremony will be held at our first full school assembly on Tuesday 30 April. I trust the well deserved school holiday break has been a positive and restful time for all.
Following the successes achieved for learners throughout term one, we again encourage all learners toward outstanding levels of engagement and service within our comprehensive Garin curriculum this term. Learners are encouraged to maintain balance in their wellbeing through active participation in our extensive winter sport, art and culture programmes on offer throughout the term. Please note the many key dates for term two below, I encourage you to access all dates throughout the term via the Garin College Calendar.
Key dates Term 2
- 29 April: Term 2 – begins
- 6 May: Garin Reading Challenge – Starts
- 9 May: Queen Charlotte College Annual Sports Exchange
- 13 May: PPTA Teacher paid union meeting – TBC
- 14 May: Garin College Board meeting 5.30pm Garin College Library
- 16 May: O’Shea Shield – Archdiocese Wellington Catholic Secondary Schools Competition
- 20 May: NCEA Literacy + Numeracy Corequisite Exams
- 20 – 24 May: Geek Week Celebration & Dress up Friday
- 20-21 May: Senior Parent Teacher Conferences
- 22-23 May: Twilight Notes Music concert
- 31 May: House Fun Run – TBC
- 3 June: Kings Birthday Public Holiday – school closed
- 4 June: Teacher Only Day / Work Day – school closed
- 7 June: Garin College Mass of Creativity
- 17 June: Dance Showquest
- 23 June: Te Mana Kura Tuarua – National Kapa Haka Competition
- 25 June: Garin College Board meeting 5.30pm Garin College Library
- 28 June: Matariki – Public Holiday – school closed
- 2-4 July: Te Wairua o Ngā Mahi Toi – Spirit of the Arts Festival
- 6 July: Term 2 Holidays begin
At Garin College we maintain high expectations for student learning, participation and engagement. Through each of us daily living the Garin values (Generosity, Aroha, Rangimarie, Integrity, New Life), the tone and relationships we create promote inclusion, positive learning environments and enhanced wellbeing for all. We look forward to the new term ahead of us. I appreciate you bringing the following key messages to the attention of your student. Working together we will support your students in their learning and overall schooling so they can be the best they can be.
As I will be away for Term 2 on Sabbatical, I confirm that Mr Jeremy Marshall will be Acting Principal, Ms Justine Butler will be Acting Deputy Principal, Mrs Sarah Rankin – Assistant Principal, and we welcome Trudie Walters back to the college and into the role of Acting Assistant Principal for the term. Also making up our Senior Leadership Team is our Business Manager Mr Ben Bonoma, I congratulate Ben on the completion of his first full term in his role at Garin. Together, our Senior Leadership Team is available to support you and your learners at any time throughout the school day. Do reach out, I know they will be caring and responsive to you.
English and Media Teacher Mrs Christina Naughton, is on leave early term two and we will farwell her mid term as she completes her employment at Garin and moves on to new and exciting opportunities. We thank Chrissy for her work and service as our Teacher of English and Media Studies, we wish Chrissy and her family every joy and success in the future. I can confirm that English Teacher, Ms Jessica Le Bas is returning to teach English during term 1 while we seek to appoint a longer term teacher replacement. We thank Annie Millard for picking up the L2 Media Studies class.
Senior Year 11 – 13 Parent Teacher Conferences
We will hold conferences for our senior students on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May; further details will be emailed and shared on our website news. Please note, bookings will open during the week prior; you will receive email information. Note, bookings are open for one week.
Arriving for the School Day
The Garin College school day starts at 8.40am. Students are required to be at school by 8.35am ready for the first bell at this time.
- If students are late to school or arrive during the school day, they must report to the school office to sign in. Students are required to have a valid reason for the lateness, a supporting note, phone call or email from a parent or caregiver is appreciated.
Our timely and accurate recording of students’ attendance is essential.
- If the student is going to be absent, parents are required to phone the school office and leave a detailed message on the absentee line – call 03 543 9488, press 1 or email attendance@garincollege.nz, please include your student’s name, whānau class and reason for absence.
- Parents/caregivers wishing to take students out of school for non-school events e.g. holiday must communicate their intentions by email to the Principal. Such approved absence may be deemed explained, however unjustified.
Messages for students during the day
Unfortunately, one of the many downsides of students not having phone access during the school day is the challenge parents face with communicating key messages with their child. Please understand that the School Office Staff are not responsible for the passing on and the delivery of every parent to child message requested throughout the day. With over 650 students, due to the sheer quantity of requests, this is not a service we can reliably provide. Please consider the following modes of communication with your children.
- As a BYOD school, students regularly use their laptop throughout the day, email your child with a message
- Send a TEXT message or email that your child may read on their phone before school starts and after school ends
- Make arrangements with your child before that school day – your child could call, TXT or email after school
Urgent / crisis communications – where there is a need to contact the office to relay an urgent message or if there is a crisis that needs immediate attention, please do contact the School Office; when we are made aware of such a situation, this will be treated in confidence and managed carefully and professionally.
Phones Away for the Day
Garin College ‘Away for the Day’ procedures are fully implemented for the start of term 2, we are very pleased with our learners’ maturity and positive commitment to following the Phone ‘Away for the Day’ rules and procedures having implemented these in the last few weeks of term 1. We are recognising a positive energy amongst students with less phone distraction in class and ongoing engagement with others about the college. I note also many students are still adjusting to this change and have been required to hand in their phone to the school office. From this term, the procedure relating to students required to hand in phones to the office will be followed as presented in this poster. Please remind your student of the away for the day rules and support them in this.
Attendance Matters – Your Support makes a difference!
Thank you for encouraging and supporting your student in school attendance, your energy, effort and commitment is making a significant difference in their lives. Garin College “Attendance Target” is for students to attain 90% attendance, students achieving 90% attendance are referred to as “Regular Attenders” this means that each student would be attending a minimum of 9 days out of 10 days each fortnight.
- “The evidence shows that attendance is directly related to how well learners achieve. The more learners attend, the higher their achievement.” ERO Attendance Report
- “Missing school leads to lost opportunities to learn, which impacts on achievement, even if learners have good engagement” ERO Attendance Report
Our top priority in attendance is to raise the attendance rates of our Garin Learners toward all being regular attenders, we are here to support you, please do call a member of Senior Leadership or your child’s year level Dean to get help or assistance as we do understand that attendance can be challenging and complex for individuals at times – we’re here to help.
Uniform Procedures & Expectations
At Garin College we value our students’ appearance and for them to take pride in their uniform. If for any reason your student is unable to wear part of their correct uniform, then they will require a day pass issued by their whānau teacher. Parents are encouraged to support their student by providing a note if they are unable to wear the correct uniform. Your support in this diminishes the need for our staff to engage in discussion regarding uniform compliance with your student at school. Garin College Uniform
Year 11 to 13 Students Winter Uniform during Terms 2 and 3; all Years 11 to 13 students are to wear winter uniform (blazer, tie, long trousers or skirt) to and from school and throughout the day during the winter terms.
For additional warmth during winter months, students may wear a black puffer or plain black jacket to and from school and at morning tea or lunch. We ask that students not wear their jackets in the classrooms, as these are heated.
Enrolments 2025
Should you have friends or family considering Catholic secondary education for their children, please do encourage them to visit the Garin College website for our Enrolment Procedure and enrolment pack; our college Admin team are also able to discuss any queries. Applications for Enrolments close on 23 August 2024.
Scholarships 2025
I wish to remind parents of the opportunity to apply for Twinkle scholarships in Catholic Character, Academic, Arts & Performing Arts and Sport. We also have available Garin Financial and Hostel & Financial Boarding scholarships for those families that need some help financially in 2025. Visit Garin College Website for more information on Scholarship packs. Applications for Scholarships close on 6 September 2024.
2024 Property Development
Four new classrooms are to be built and commissioned for the start of the 2025 school year to meet the demands of our growing college roll.
We look forward to the construction of four full size classrooms within the two building blocks as presented above. Site preparation will begin early term two and we will see the buildings completed and ready for commissioning later in 2024 for the 2025 school year. This is a significant and exciting development for Garin College that will also include external classroom verandas, decking and courtyard providing an all weather purposeful space for learning, rest and recreation.
I would like to express my gratitude to all of you, as parents, caregivers and whānau who engage so willingly with your student’s learning and for the way you support each of them and the college, in a true learning partnership.
Ngā manaakitanga
God bless
John Maguire